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Professional Services: Rejuvenating Cyber Defences

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e2e-assure independent research into UK Professional Services cyber defence

e2e-assure’s recent study* shows there is genuine cause for concern for the Professional Services industry, with few organisations describing themselves as resilient (20%).

As the sector evolves and becomes digital-centric, there is increasing opportunity for malicious cyber attacks to unfold. Establishing and maintaining a robust security infrastructure is of paramount importance, especially given the targeting this sector experiences thanks to high potential financial gain, achieved through tactics such as ransomware attacks.

A strong relationship with providers is integral to cyber resilience, especially for Professional Service organisations that are having to get to grips with new forms of technology being rapidly deployed across their industry.

When an incident or breach occurs, providers can enhance an organisation’s response capabilities, offering rapid assistance and plugging gaps that could be missed by an in-house team working alone. The sector understands the potential value here, with 40% of Professional Services organisations having opted for a fully outsourced cyber security provision, but are they getting the level of service they deserve?

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