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Introducing e2e-assure’s new starters – Karl Moss

As part of our new starter series (which has admittedly been on hiatus recently), we’re introducing our newest Senior SOC Analyst and Shift Lead – Karl Moss.

Karl's career background

Karl has almost always been within IT, which started with him studying Computer Science at college and this has taken him across different industries, all sizes of organisation and a range of roles, currently entering cyber security for the first time.

Karl’s first foray into the working world of IT saw him in internal IT Support and later the Support Supervisor for a mail order firm. He then moved to a Managed Service Provider (MSP) who specialised in education, giving Karl experience on more complex networks than his previous life, mostly in the Support function.

His next move saw him take on Database Development, before being promoted to head up the IT function for that organisation. It was here that he started seriously looking into cyber security, as he says:

“I was the only person running the IT of the organisation and in charge of it all. If there was a cyber incident, that was on me too.”

His last role before moving to e2e-assure saw him again head up the IT function of a financial services company, which required an eye on cyber security alongside the ‘more traditional’ IT elements. Speaking of his time with a dual role, Karl remarks

“You can’t work in IT and not think about security.”

Why e2e-assure?

Over the last 7-8 years Karl had a particular interest in security and decided that it was time to step out of his comfort zone and do something completely different and so, having never been a SOC Analyst before or even focused on cyber security full time, he joined e2e-assure.

“I had noticed e2e on social media and started following them. My interest grew and when I saw they were advertising for cyber analysts, I applied. It’s always a bit of a worry stepping out of your comfort zone, especially having historically known exactly what I was doing and being the authority on the subject.”

Karl’s initial experience at e2e-assure is incredibly positive:

“Everyone is really, really nice and the toolset Cumulo is awesome.” he says.

When probed a bit more about Cumulo in compared to his previous experience, Karl’s experience becomes quite similar with many new starters before joining e2e-assure only having looked at security tools in siloes, never having had them presented through a single pane of glass.

A key benefit for Karl as a new Analyst are the playbooks created by other SOC Analysts and our Cyber Consultants that take users through the steps to take to interrogate an alert and make the decisions based on the data presented to them.

It’s early days, but Karl is looking forward to getting more stuck in, learning as much as possible and supporting our customers.

About Karl

Outside of work, Karl lives with his wife, daughter with a cat and a dog and enjoys playing guitar (he claims “badly”, but we don’t believe him) and has played in bands live a few times. Whatever his true guitar playing ability, his views on it doesn’t stop him buying them and he’s up to six (for now!)

He’s also waiting for a date to take his Mod 2 motorcycle test to ‘finally’ get his bike licence – we think Karl & Tom should definitely have a chat as the first two hobbies are pretty good matches!

Karl also draws t-shirt designs, again he very modestly claims that they aren’t very good but keep an eye out for a new business model from e2e-assure over the next few months… e2e-NFTs may be next.

Please join us in welcoming Karl to the e2e-assure family!

If you're interested in joining e2e-assure, please keep an eye on our Careers page for open opportunities and follow us on LinkedIn!

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